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Product of the year

T-series of Y-Circ P is "Product of the Year"

It was early February when we received the news that our Y-Circ P T-series had been nominated “Product of the Year 2019” by the editors of the magazine "Elektronik" of WEKA Fachmedien. So it was already clear that we were among the top three of eleven products in the category of electromechanics. That was impressive, given the strong competition.

In the middle of March it was time for the award ceremony. The two "fathers" of the T-series, Matthias Schuster (Product Manager Y-Circ P) and Andreas Pannagl (Group Chief Engineering Y-Circ P) were presented with the prize for the first place at the award ceremony gala. The joy of this award is indescribable, because it shows that it is worth fighting for a good idea and to go for a common goal and the "extra mile".

This award is the affirmation to the whole YAMAICHI ELECTRONICS team that we all have the power of innovation that enables us to beat big competitors as well. Because we are number 1 - at least for this year.

Special thanks go to the readers of “Electronik" who have recognized the potential of our Y-Circ P T-series and chose the really best product in this category.

Product info Y-Circ P T-series